Register A Public Sector Project/Programme

Infrastructure South Africa (ISA) has established the Infrastructure Investment Project Appraisal and Approval Process for public sector-led and procured infrastructure projects under the current legal framework. This process uses the SIDS methodology as the foundation model for the project lifecycle process.

Step 1: Origination – requires the Sponsor to consider and authorize the proposed project/program submission and documentation required to ISA.
Step 2: Project Registration with ISA – requires the Sponsor to submit the proposed project/program to ISA for registration before detailed work commencing on appraising the Early Business Case development.

Performing the review Stages of the SIDS methodology is in the best interests of both ISA and the Sponsor, as it adds value and facilitates the early intervention at each project stage to ensure key issues such as meeting the project criteria, strategic fit, affordability, and stakeholder support are addressed before substantial resources are engaged in the development of detailed business cases. This approach addresses a previous historic weakness, where the appraisal authorities body/s were not involved until late in project preparation when it is often difficult to resolve fundamental issues.

Sponsor Profile

Please enter the sponsor name
Please enter a valid email address for the sponsor

Project Details

Please enter the project or porgramme name
Please select the project type
Please enter the estimated capital cost
Please select the relevant sector
Please select the relevant sub-sector
Please enter an executive summary
Please enter programme details

Location of the project / programme

Please select a province
Please enter the name of the authorising officer
Please enter the office telephone number
Please enter the cellphone number
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter the company name
Please enter the company registration number

Strategic Rationale

Please enter the strategic aims and needs
Please enter the strategic objectives


Please enter the stakeholders affected by the project
Please enter the outcomes / outstanding Issues


Please enter the main benefits


Please enter the capital costs
Please enter the revenue


Please enter the main risks
Please enter the outstanding issues
Please enter the requests to ISA


Please enter the funding sources

Delivery of EBC

Please enter the project officer
Please enter the project delivery plan
Please enter the project team structure

Government Engagements

Previous Engagement/s and Reasons. State all previous engagements with government entities pertaining to this project.

Please enter the government entity / dept
Please enter the name
Please enter the telephone number
Please enter the email address
Please select the date
Please enter the name

Please enter the government entity / dept
Please enter the name
Please enter the telephone number
Please enter the email address
Please select the date
Please enter the name
Please enter the government entity / dept
Please enter the name
Please enter the telephone number
Please enter the email address
Please select the date
Please enter the name
Please enter the government entity / dept
Please enter the name
Please enter the telephone number
Please enter the email address
Please select the date
Please enter the name


The following supporting documentation must be provided as part of the submission.
PLEASE NOTE: All documents must be submitted to Infrastructure South Africa within 6 months.

Please remove any apostrophes, brackets, colons and other special characters from the file name before uploading it here.
Allowed Documents: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .shp, .ppt, .pptx, .zip
You can upload up to 5 files
Max File Size: 10mb

Please upload a letter of authority and declaration by the sponsor. Ensure the extension is correct and the file is 10mb or less. A maximum of 5 files are allowed.

Explanation of how the estimated capital cost was calculated
Please remove any apostrophes, brackets, colons and other special characters from the file name before uploading it here.
Allowed Documents: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .shp, .ppt, .pptx, .zip
You can upload up to 5 files
Max File Size: 10mb

Please upload documents explaining how the estimated capital cost was calculated. Ensure the extensions are correct and the files are 10mb or less. A maximum of 5 files are allowed.

To complete the Early Business Case (EBC) within six (6) months of the project Registration with ISA
Please remove any apostrophes, brackets, colons and other special characters from the file name before uploading it here.
Allowed Documents: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .shp, .ppt, .pptx, .zip
You can upload up to 5 files
Max File Size: 10mb

Please upload a document showing the project preparation budget and confirmation of financial resources. Ensure the extension is correct and the file is 10mb or less. A maximum of 5 files are allowed.

(include all team member CV's):
• Project Officer: name, designation, qualifications, experience and line management accountability;
• Project team members: names, designations, qualifications and experience. Team structure and governance accountability.
Please remove any apostrophes, brackets, colons and other special characters from the file name before uploading it here.
Allowed Documents: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .shp, .ppt, .pptx, .zip
You can upload up to 5 files
Max File Size: 10mb

Please upload details of your project team. Ensure the extensions are correct and the files are 10mb or less. A maximum of 5 files are allowed.

Demonstrate the scheduled tasks, costs and milestones to deliver the EBC within six (6) months period; and internal governance arrangements for the oversight of the project preparation.
Please remove any apostrophes, brackets, colons and other special characters from the file name before uploading it here.
Allowed Documents: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .shp, .ppt, .pptx, .zip
You can upload up to 5 files
Max File Size: 10mb

Please upload documents of your preperation plan. Ensure the extensions are correct and the files are 10mb or less. A maximum of 5 files are allowed.